Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers
Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers

Candy Cane Sorrel Oxalis Versicolor Seeds Garden Flowers


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Item specifics

  • Features:Flowering    
  • Common Name:Sorrel
  • Sub-Type:Oxalis Versicolor    
  • Germinate / Grow:14-60days
  • Genus:Oxalis    
  • Brand:Unbranded
  • Plant Habit:Flowering    
  • Type:Seeds

    Make Your Seed to Garden

    1. Choose the right containers

    You can start seeds in almost any type of container, as long as it’s at least 2-3 ” deep and has some drainage holes. If you love to DIY by yourself, you might start growing seedlings in yogurt cups, milk cartons or even a paper cup.

    2. The “potting soil”

    Choose the potting soil that’s made for growing seedlings.

    NOTE: Do not use soil from your garden or re-use potting soil from your houseplants. Start with a fresh, sterile mix that will ensure healthy, disease-free seedlings.

    3. Planting

    Some of the small ones can be sprinkled right on the soil surface. Larger seeds will need to be buried. After planting seeds, you have to moisten the newly planted seeds. To speed up germination, cover the pots with wet paper or a plastic dome. This helps keep the seeds moist before they germinate. When you see the first signs of green, you have to remove the cover.

    4. Watering, feeding, repeating

    As the seedlings grow up, you have to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Let the soil dry slightly between waterings.  Remember to feed the seedlings regularly with liquid fertilizer.

    5. Light

    Seeds need a lot of light. Set the lights on a timer for 15 hours a day. If you’re growing in a window, choose a south-facing exposure. Rotate the pots regularly to keep plants from leaning into the light. If you’re growing under lights, adjust them so they’re just a few inches above the tops of the seedlings.  Keep in mind that seedlings need darkness, too, so they can rest. As the seedlings grow taller, raise the lights.

    6. Move to outdoors 

    It’s not a good idea to move your seedlings directly from the protected environment of your home into the garden. You’ve been coddling these seedlings for weeks, so they need a gradual transition to the great outdoors. About a week before you plan to set the seedlings into the garden, place them in a protected spot outdoors (partly shaded, out of the wind) for a few hours, bringing them in at night. Gradually, over the course of a week or 10 days, expose them to more and more sunshine and wind. A cold frame is a great place to harden off plants.




Welcome to our seed shop! We offer a wide variety of seeds for your gardening needs. Whether you're looking to grow vegetables, herbs, or flowers, we have something for everyone.

Our seeds are carefully selected to ensure that they are of the highest quality. We work with trusted suppliers to bring you seeds that are non-GMO and free from harmful chemicals. We believe that everyone deserves access to healthy and safe seeds for their garden.

We pride ourselves on our customer service. Our knowledgeable staff are happy to answer any questions you may have about our products or gardening in general. We also offer a range of resources to help you get the most out of your seeds, including planting guides and tips on how to care for your plants.

In addition to our wide selection of seeds, we also offer gardening tools and supplies to help you get started. From soil and fertilizer to pots and trellises, we have everything you need to create a beautiful and productive garden.

Shopping with us is easy and convenient. You can browse our selection online or visit us in-store. We offer fast and reliable shipping, so you can start planting right away.

Thank you for choosing our seed shop. We look forward to helping you create the garden of your dreams!

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🌱 As a heartfelt gesture of appreciation for our dedicated supporters, we are delighted to announce the 2024 Seed Promotion. Running from from January 1st to March 31st, this event presents exceptional offers across an extensive range of seed varieties. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or an aspiring cultivator venturing into the world of planting, this promotion presents the perfect opportunity to amass a supply of top-quality seeds at generously reduced prices.

We acknowledge the unwavering loyalty of our fan base and are committed to reciprocating their trust in a profound way. This exclusive promotion is a testament to our gratitude. We firmly believe in democratizing the pleasure and fulfillment of nurturing one's own plants, and we take immense pride in equipping our patrons with the necessary resources to bring this vision to life.

Set a reminder for March 31st, and prepare to capitalize on our Spring Seed Sale. We eagerly anticipate your participation and are excited to hear about the magnificent botanical wonders you'll cultivate with the aid of our seeds! 🌱

🪴We are committed to providing our customers with quality, affordable seeds. 🌱

💵 Payments Via PayPal®
✨Priority is given to delivery after payment
✈ Worldwide Express Shipping Available

🌱We guarantee your 100% satisfaction, for we know you will love our quality!

🌱Satisfaction Guaranteed
Our goal is to offer exceptional quality to ensure your best garden ever! Your seeds have been germination tested and found to meet or exceed the Federal standards for interstate commerce. We will work with reasonable requests for replacement/return due to poor germination, or due to concerns you may have about other plants or products. Although every precaution is taken to ensure accuracy, errors in price, quantity, and/or specifications may occur in printing. We reserve the right to correct such errors.

🌱Untreated and Non-GMO Seeds
All of the seeds that we sell are untreated (not coated with fungicides or insecticides) and non-GMO.

🌱Contact Us: Please Contact